Objects cheatsheet

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Basic usage

Objects are used to store keyed collections of various data and more complex entities.

const app = {
    name: "todo",
    version: 1.2,

alert(app.name); // todo
alert(app.version); // 1.2

app.version = 1.3; // update value
app.license = "MIT"; // add new property
delete app.version; // delete property
  • Multiword property name

const game = {
    name: "sudoku",
    "is free": true,

alert(game["is free"]); // true

const isFree = "is free";
alert(game[isFree]); // true
  • Computed property

let prop = "yEaR";
prop = prop.toLowerCase();

const list = {
    [prop]: 2022,

alert(list.year); // 2022
  • Property value shorthand

function createUser(login, id) {
    return {
        login, // the same login: login
        id, // the same id: id

References and copying

  • Copying objects When copied, the new object will be a reference to the original object, unlike regular variables, which create independent entities when copied

const original = {
    name: "origin",
    id: 1,

const copy = original;

alert(copy.name); // origin
alert(copy.id); // 1

copy.name = "new copy"; // it also changes original

alert(original.name); // new copy
  • Object comparison The comparison operators == and === work the same for objects

// Two variables refer to the same object
const original = {};
const copy = original;

alert(original == copy); // true
// Two independent objects
const original = {};
const otherOriginal = {};

alert(original == otherOriginal); // false
  • Cloning objects Object.assign(target, ...sources) - copies all enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object.

const item = {
    name: "monitor",
    color: "black",

const newItem = Object.assign({}, item);

newItem.color = "gray";

alert(newItem.color); // gray
alert(item.color); // black

Iterating objects

  • Loop for...in

const item = {
    name: "Pizza",
    price: 29,

for (key in item) {
    alert(`${key} - ${item[key]}`);
    // name - Pizza
    // price - 29
  • Object.keys(object) Returns an array of keys of the passed object

// [name, price]
  • Object.values(object) Returns an array of values of the passed object

// ["Pizza", 29]
  • Object.entries(object) Returns an array of the [key, value] pairs of the passed object

// [["name", "Pizza"], ["price", 29]]

Object methods & this

  • Object methods In addition to values, objects can have methods that perform various actions

const greetings = {
    hiMorning() {
        alert("Good morning!");
    hiDay() {
        alert("Good afternoon!");
    hiEvening() {
        alert("Good evening!");

greetings.hiDay(); // Good afternoon!
  • this this allows to refer to variables and methods that are stored in the same object

const counter = {
    value: 0,
    inc() {
    dec() {

counter.inc(); // counter.value = 1
counter.inc(); // counter.value = 2
counter.dec(); // counter.value = 1

this is simply a reference to the object in the context of which it was called

const obj = {
    value: "hello",
    log() {

obj.log(); // { value: 'hello', log: [Function] }


  • Constructor functions Constructor functions are used to easily create objects. They are normal functions, but developers have agreed that such functions are capitalised and called with new operator.

function Animal(type, color) {
    this.type = type;
    this.color = color;

const kitten = new Animal("cat", "black");
alert(kitten.type); // cat
alert(kitten.color); // black
  • Methods in constructors

function Parrot(name) {
    this.name = name;
    this.greet = function () {
        alert(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}`);

const blueParrot = new Parrot("Mojo");
blueParrot.greet(); // Hello, my name is Mojo

Property existance

  • Checking property existence

const response = {
    data: "secret info",
    status: 200,

console.log("data" in response); // true
console.log("message" in response); // false
  • Optional chaining Is a safe way to access nested object properties, even if an intermediate property doesn’t exist

const response = {
    data: "some data",

console.log(response?.data); // some data
console.log(response?.message); // undefined

Flags & descriptors

Object properties can store a special configuration flags in addition to the value.\

writable – if true, the value can be changed, otherwise it’s read-only. enumerable – if true, then listed in loops, otherwise not listed. configurable – if true, the property can be deleted and these attributes can be modified, otherwise not.

All flags default to true

  • Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, property) Allows to query the full information about a property

const person = {
    name: "Bill",
    surname: "Gates",

let descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(person, "name");

// {
//    configurable: true
//    enumerable: true
//    value: Bill
//    writable: true
// }
  • Object.defineProperty(obj, property, descriptor) Change the flags of the specified property

Object.defineProperty(person, "name", {
    writable: false,
  • Object.defineProperties(obj, {prop: descr, ...}) Allows to define many properties at once

  • Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(obj) Get all property descriptors at once

Getters & setters

Getters and setters called as accessor properties. They are essentially functions that execute on getting and setting a value, but look like regular properties to an external code.

  • Usage The get keyword is used to create the getter, for the setter - set

const person = {
	name: "Bill",
	surname: "Gates",
	get fullName() {
		return `${this.name} ${this.surname}`
	set fullName(value) {
		[this.name, this.surname] = value.split(" ")

alert(person.fullName) // Bill Gates

person.fullName = "Jack Ma"
// {fullName: "Jack Ma", name: "Jack", surname: "Ma"}
  • Accessor descriptors For accessor properties, there is no value or writable, but instead there are get and set functions

Object.defineProperty(person, "sayHello", {
    get() {
        return `Hello, I'm ${this.name}`;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true,

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