String methods cheatsheet

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Changing the case

  • toLowerCase / toUpperCase()\

const str = "Hello";
const low = str.toLowerCase(); // hello
const up = str.toUpperCase(); // HELLO

Combining strings

  • concat(...items) Combines two or more strings and returns one string

const str = "Hello";
const str2 = "World!";
const newStr = str.concat(" ", str2);
// newStr = "Hello World!"

Splitting a string

  • split(separator, limit) Splits a string into an array by the specified separator, which can be a substring or a regular expression

const str = "Just some text";
const arr = str.split(" ");
arr = ["Just", "some", "text"];

Repeating a string

  • repeat(count) Repeats the string the specified number of times

const str = "hey";
const newStr = str.repeat(3);
// newStr = "heyheyhey"

  • charAt(index) Returns a character at the specified index

const str = "hello";
const char = str.charAt(1);
// char = "e"
  • includes(substr, startPositon) Checks if the string contains the specified substring and returns true/false

const str = "";
str.includes("gmail"); // true
  • indexOf / lastIndexOf(substr, startPositon) Returns the index of the first/last substring found, otherwise returns -1

const str = "";
str.indexOf("@"); // 6
str.lastIndexOf("m"); // 15
  • endsWith / startsWith(substr, searchLength) Checks if the string ends/starts with the specified substring and returns true/false

const link = "";
link.startsWith("www"); // true
link.endsWith(".com"); // true
  • search(substr) Checks if there is a specified substring or regular expression in the string and returns the index of the beginning of the match

const str = "first name, second name";"name"); // 6

Extracting a substring

  • slice(start, end) Extracts part of the string starting at the start position and ending at the end-1 position

const str = "javascript";
const substr = str.slice(4); // script
const substr = str.slice(0, 4); // java
  • substring(start, end) Extracts substring from a string between start and end. Unlike slice(), you can set start more than end.

const str = "javascript";
const substr = str.substring(4); // script
const substr2 = str.substring(4, 0); // script
  • substr(start, length) Extracts part of a string of a specified length. The first parameter can be negative, then the position is determined from the end of the string.

const str = "typescript";
const sub = str.substr(4, 6); // script
const sub2 = str.substr(-6); // script

Replacing a substring

  • replace(substr, newSubstr) Searches for the specified substring (or regular expression) in the string and replaces it with another one

const str = "typescript";
const str2 = str.replace("type", "java");
// str2 = javascript
  • replaceAll(substr, newSubstr) Replaces all found matches with another string or passed function

const str = "one two three";
const str2 = str.replaceAll(" ", "-");
// str2 = one-two-three

Adding characters

  • padStart / padEnd(strLength, str) Adds padding at the beginning/end of a string until the string reaches the length specified by the first parameter

const msg = "hello";
msg.padStart(10, "_"); // "_____hello"
msg.padStart(7); // "  hello"
msg.padEnd(10, "*"); // "hello*****"

Removing spaces

  • trim / trimStart / trimEnd() Deletr spaces at both ends of the string, either only at the beginning or only at the end

const str = "  hello   ";
str.trim(); // "hello"
str.trimStart(); // "hello   "
str.trimEnd(); // "  hello"

Working with ASCII code

  • charCodeAt(index) Returns the ASCII code of the character at the specified index

const str = "AaBbCc";
str.charCodeAt(); // 65 (because it's "A")
str.charCodeAt(3); // 98 (because it's "b")
  • fromCharCode(...code) Converts ASCII code to readable characters

const str = String.fromCharCode(74, 83);
// str = "JS"

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